Viking raiders capture Bree and her brother, Devin. They embark on separate journeys: Bree to Norway, and Devin on a dangerous path home. Set in 10th Century Ireland and Norway
In 1943, when the Germans plan to send all Danish Jews to prison camps, Peter and Elise, eleven-year-old twins, face danger trying to help their Jewish friend Henrik escape to Sweden.
Samantha and Jen are out camping when they meet Nicholas, a boy traveling cross–country on a beautiful Gypsy Vanner mare, learning about his gypsy ancestry. His caravan also includes a young colt. Nicholas says it's a stray, but the colt looks a lot like a missing mustang. When people start getting suspicious, Sam wants to stick up for her new friend. But has she put her faith in an untrustworthy drifter?
Samantha can't wait for the holiday break from school. But there's no time to relax: Brynna's baby is due any day; the local authorities are gathering more mustangs from the range; and her best friend Jen's ranch is in upheaval–its owner, Linc Slocum, has just been arrested, and no one is sure what will happen to Jen and her family. But then, disaster strikes: A terrible blizzard traps the Phantom Stallion's band. Sam has to help them, but she's terrified they'll be captured. Can she save her beloved mustangs and keep them free–for good?
The spellbinding adventure from "Isle of Swords" continues as Captain Ross and his crew become pirate hunters for the British Government, and Cat captains his own ship. England's greedy king will betray the pirate-hunters and keep the monks' treasure for himself.