This 35th anniversary edition of a bestselling book recounts Corrie tenBoom's horrific experiences in Hitler's concentration camps, explains how she survived, and offers hope through her timeless message of courage and faith.
"Augustine never thought of God without thinking of his sin, nor of his sin without thinking of Christ." St. Augustine grates hard against "the anatomy of evil" while dealing succinctly and honestly with his own proneness toward sin. From his infatuation with its initial beauty to the discounting of his previously wasted life, Augustine leaves little to the imagination regarding his need to be saved from himself. Most of Augustine's Confessions are spent in a nearly catastrophe tug of war. From insult and injury to passion, lost love, and the arts--this work leads through and beyond a world where God's timing is absolutely perfect. Nothing has really changed since then. Sin is still sin--and God is still God. Moody Classics Of all the factors influencing our spiritual growth and development, pivotal books play a key role. Learning from those who have walked the path and fought the fight brings wisdom and strengthens resolve. And hearing the familiar chords of kingdom living sung by voices from other times can penetrate cultural barriers that limit our allegiance to the King. To this end, Moody Publishers is honored to introduce the first six volumes in what is to be an ongoing series of spiritual classics. Selected for their enduring influence and timeless perspective, these new editions promise to shape the lives of spiritual pilgrims for generations to come.
Seven Spiritual Masterworks by C. S. Lewis This classic collection includes C. S. Lewis's most important spiritual works: Mere Christianity The Screwtape Letters The Great Divorce The Problem of Pain Miracles A Grief Observed The Abolition of Man