With publication of The Religion War, millions of long-time fans of Scott Adams's Dilbert cartoons and business best sellers will have to admit that the literary world is a better place with Adams on the loose spreading new ideas and philosophical conundrums. Unlike God's Debris, principally a dialogue between its two main characters, The Religion War is set several decades in the future when the smartest man in the world steps between international leaders to see if he can prevent a catastrophic confrontation between Christianity and Islam that would destroy most of civilization. The parallels between where we are today and where we could be in the near future are clear.Adams says The Religion War targets "bright readers with short attention spans-everyone from lazy students to busy book clubs." The book may be a three-hour read, but it's packed with concepts that will be discussed long after the last page is turned, including a list of "Questions to Ponder in the Shower" that will underline the story's purpose of highlighting the most important-yet most ignored-questions in the world.