Rescued from the outrageous neglect of his aunt and uncle, a young boy with a great destiny proves his worth while attending Hogwarts School for Wizards and Witches.
When Merlin, suffering from a case of severe amnesia, discovers his strange powers, he becomes determined to discover his identity and flees to Fincayra where he fulfills his destiny, saving Fincayra from certain destruction and claiming his birthright and true name. Reprint.
After 10 miserable years with his aunt and uncle, Harry Potter is invited to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Each book follows another year in Harry's education while more of his frightening destiny is revealed.
New York Times bestselling author Brian Jacques gives us another tale of Redwall, filled with “The Knights of the Round Table with paws” (The Sunday Times) along with their friends and enemies. Many seasons ago, the evil ferret warlord known as Swartt Sixclaw abandoned his infant son and left him for dead. Raised among the good creatures of Redwall Abbey, the ferret Veil could never escape his father’s tainted blood. And when he committed an forgivable crime, Veil was banished from the abbey forever. Now, Swartt Sixclaw and his vicious hordes of searats and vermin are on the warpath. And The Outcast of Redwall must choose his destiny—a friend or foe of Redwall Abbey…