Now reissued--one of the most beloved novels by the "New York Times" bestselling author in which dedicated, if somewhat demented, environmentalists battle sleazy real estate developers in the Florida Keys.
Rich and suspenseful with a hair-raising conclusion, this is Nancy Werlin's most dynamic novel yet--one that explores the ethics and amazements of genetic engineering.
Headlights off, a panel truck drives by moonlight across an open field, following tracks that have been there for decades ... Nina Pryce and her husband, Phil Broker, couldn't have more opposite views of the military. Broker's loyalty to the men he served with in Vietnam is matched only by his certainty that they shouldn't have been there in the first place. Nina, though, is a new breed, a decorated and ambitious vet of the first Gulf War. As Nina proceeds along her chosen career path, Broker -- until his recent "retirement," Minnesota's most effective, unorthodox, and controversial undercover cop -- finds himself struggling in the role of patient military spouse. The driver is a local entrepreneur taking advantage of a decades-old tradition of smuggling and bootlegging by crossing a border too vast and undermanned to be effectively patrolled ... Incommunicado for months as part of a top-secret Delta anti-terrorist operation, Nina, with daughter Kit in tow, suddenly emerges in Langdon, North Dakota, a town in the heart of the Cold War Minuteman II missile belt. When Broker arrives to take Kit back home, he realizes that the legacy of those warheads still casts a sinister shadow across the desolate north border country, in the person of a damaged psychopath. Somewhere in the middle of this empty field he will cross, undetected, from one side of the U.S.-Canada divide to the other. He and his cargo -- illegal cigars, whiskey, machine parts, or something much more terrifying -- thus slip undetected across the longest undefended border in the world. Broker discovers he's been drawn into an elaborate con within a con, made an unwitting participant in a black-bag anti-terrorist detail. But his anger toward Nina for involving him and putting their daughter at risk quickly fades as a larger, more deadly reality becomes evident. With time running out, husband and wife unite with local North Dakota law enforcement to form a last line of defense against a brilliantly simple act of espionage with potentially catastrophic consequences.
In a novel as timely as it is terrifying, Kilian delivers a doomsday scenario of the United States's own making, as modern-day terrorism and old military secrets collide--with Coast Guard Investigative Service Special Agent Erik Westman in the middle. Original.
A man is arrested for kidnapping a Minnesota boy, and attorney Ellen North believes she is building a case against the guilty party until a second child is kidnapped.
Strange things were happening in Drake House: A perfect rose appearing on a antique dress materializing out of nowhere...a mysterious spirit roaming the halls... Five years after Rachel Lindquist had left California to chase her dreams, she returned home to care for her aging mother, only to find herself chasing a ghost! Addie Lindquist insisted a presence haunted Drake House and had hired noted parapsychologist Bryan Hennessy to investigate, but Rachel knew better than to believe in what she couldn't see—or to surrender to the strong current of desire pulling her towards Bryan. Bryan had dealt with skeptics before, but convincing Rachel was the biggest challenge of his life. The enchanting beauty had lost faith in everything that wasn't practical, and that included matters of the heart. As Bryan fought her reluctance to succumb to feelings she couldn't control, a second, more sinister force began to stalk them, threatening to drive them from Drake House and from each other—a force that could be banished only by a man who believed in the power of love and...Magic.
While investigating his sister's murder in Paris, American attorney Lang Reilly discovers a map in a painting that leads to the long-hidden secrets of the Knights Templar--secrets that could shatter Christianity. Original.
While a killer stalks the streets of London, Detective Sergeant Nick Miller is more concerned with a light-heavyweight boxer-turned-expert-cat-burglar who has busted out of prison. High above the streets, cop and convict will face down their most daunting challenges the only way they know how.
BAD MEN On the Maine island once known as Sanctuary, policeman Joe Dupree is the guardian of its secrets, keeper of its memories. He knows that Sanctuary had been steeped in carnage once, centuries ago, when its settlers were betrayed to their enemies and slaughtered. Now, a strange, otherworldly evil is about to descend again....With rookie officer Sharon Macy, Joe stands guard against a bloodthirsty band of men set on murder, robbery, and retribution. But unleashing the fury of the ghosts of the past will have unimaginable consequences for any who spill innocent blood on Sanctuary's shores. Includes an excerpt from The Black Angel, John Connolly's return to the world of detective Charlie Parker -- coming soon in hardcover from Atria Books.
Returning to the Southern mountain town of Moon Run Hollow after serving time in prison for assaulting his sister's attacker, Shad Jenkins discovers that his sister Megan has been found dead of unknown causes and, tormented by the dark Blood Dreams from which he has suffered since childhood, must confront a nightmarish adversary whose evil permeates the hollow. Original.
From the bestselling author of "Small Town Girl" and "Family Blessings" comes a novel of hope and salvation--the author's last. Set during the 1950s in small town Minnesota, a young man is left with the challenge of raising his two daughters when his wife is killed in a tragic accident. The girls' teacher, a nun who has always been uncertain of her calling, offers her help to the grieving widower. The rest is classic Spencer
As a child Frank Kohler learned of his mother’s brutal murder. Now, years later, he yearns for some affirmation that remains elusive. As a state trooper on the night shift, Russell Boyd cruises the highways of Vermont constantly reminded of the true depths of human misery. The lives of these two men will intersect only tangentially, until fate catches up with them.
Follows the struggle of Louisiana investigator Annie Broussard to bring to justice the killer of a young woman, a quest that allies her with a shady, volatile fellow detective.